For valid and confirmed online purchases as new customer of Zooplus.
For all valid and confirmed online purchases as existing customer of Zooplus. - My Pet Shop - Pamper your pet and get youself cashback! zooplus is the leading online retailer for pet supplies. Whether your pet has paws, wings, fins or hooves, you're sure to find what you're looking for at At zooplus, you'll find everything your pet craves, from high-quality food to the right toys and sleeping baskets. There is nothing that is not available at zooplus, the product range includes about 8,000 different items. You don't have to lug kilo heavy bags with litter, hay or food anymore, zooplus sends everything comfortably to your home and all that at the best prices. All this is accompanied by a courteous, friendly service that is there for you 365 days a year. And for your valid and confirmed online purchases, you can also secure cashback when you order via mycashbacks on